The Brief History of Code Languages: Road to No-code

Sep 16, 20236 min read

In our previous article, 'No-Code, Low-Code: A Game Changer in Software Development,' we took a closer look at the no-code and low-code movement, which is rapidly changing the way software is created. Now, let's rewind time a bit and join us on a journey through the history of code languages, tracing the fascinating evolution that has led us to the era of 'no-code.' Before we explore the road to 'no-code,' it's essential to understand the roots of code languages and how they have shaped the way we create software today.

The Hieroglyphics of Early Code

In the era of sleek laptops and intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces, it can be easy to forget that software development was not always so streamlined. The world of code languages traces its origins to a time when computers were colossal humming machines with capabilities far removed from the pocket-sized devices we hold today. In the early days of code, the language of choice was often binary. These primitive machines understood only sequences of 0’s and 1’s, requiring programmers to communicate with them in a highly intricate manner. Every instruction, every piece of data had to be meticulously composed in this binary format.

The birth of code languages as we know them today was driven by the need for a more human-friendly way to interact with computers. Early pioneers in this field sought to create programming languages that would simplify the process of writing code and make it more accessible to a broader audience. Two pioneering computer scientists, Grace Hopper and John Backus (source), developed some of the first high-level programming languages in the 1950s and 60s. Hopper’s FLOW-MATIC laid the foundations for COBOL, aimed at business computing. Backus’s team at IBM created FORTRAN to handle scientific and engineering tasks.

As technology advanced, assembly languages, which provided a more symbolic representation of machine code instructions, became prominent. This shift marked the initial steps towards a more human-centric approach to programming. These early code languages laid the groundwork for the coding landscape we navigate today, gradually evolving from esoteric sequences of 0’s and 1’s to languages that humans could understand and use more effectively.

The Rise of High-Level Languages

The transition from low-level to high-level programming languages marked a significant leap in the evolution of code languages. These high-level languages introduced a layer of abstraction between programmers and the underlying hardware, making it easier to write complex code. One of the most influential high-level languages to emerge was C, developed in the early 1970s at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie. C offered a powerful yet flexible syntax, making it suitable for system-level programming.

Building on C’s legacy, a new wave of high-level languages like C++ and Java emerged, each catering to specific application domains and programming paradigms. C++ brought the concept of object-oriented programming, while Java offered portability with its "write once, run anywhere" philosophy - meaning a programmer can develop Java code on one system and can expect it to run on any other Java-enabled system without any adjustment.

The impact of high-level languages was profound. Programmers no longer needed to grapple with the intricacies of hardware, allowing them to focus more on solving problems and building software efficiently. The accessibility of these languages brought coding within reach of a broader audience, democratizing software development. This shift in accessibility laid the foundation for the widespread adoption of code languages and set the stage for future innovations in software development.

Web Development and Scripting Languages

The mainstream adoption of C and its derivatives set the stage for the next major milestone – the emergence of scripting languages optimized for the web. As the internet blossomed in the 90s and 2000s, sites powered by dynamic scripts soon outpaced static HTML pages significantly.

The term “scripting” comes from the idea that these languages are used to write scripts, which are sequences of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute line by line at run time. These scripts can be used to automate tasks, manipulate data, and perform other functions.

Scripting languages like JavaScript and Python gained prominence due to their versatility and ease of use. JavaScript, initially developed for web browsers, quickly became a cornerstone of front-end web development. Its ability to manipulate web page content in real-time and enhance user experiences made it indispensable.

Python, on the other hand, earned a reputation as a versatile and beginner-friendly language. Its clean syntax and extensive library support made it an ideal choice for web development, data analysis, and more. The ease of learning and rapid development capabilities associated with scripting languages fueled a new wave of interest in coding, attracting individuals from various backgrounds.

The advent of scripting languages brought forth the dawn of rapid application development, empowering developers to create interactive web applications and user interfaces with unprecedented speed. This shift was instrumental in driving the growth of web-based platforms and applications, setting the stage for further innovations in the world of code languages.

The Evolution to No-Code and Low-Code

In the previous article, we have explored various aspects of no-code and low-code development, namely the way it works, the rise of “citizen developers", and the reasons for its success. Let's turn back in time and have a look at the origin of these technologies.

The seeds of no-code were planted decades before the term became popular. In the 1980s and 90s, Microsoft led development of “visual programming” languages like Visual Basic, allowing developers to create GUI apps by manipulating visual elements rather than typing code. Similarly, tools like Dreamweaver enabled web design without hardcore coding.

While still requiring some scripting knowledge, these visual workflows hinted at the potential to simplify and automate manual coding tasks. The term “low-code” emerged in 2014 when Forrester analyst Mike Gualtieri used it to describe platforms like Appian and Mendix that accelerated development by automating coding tasks.

The pivot to “no-code” came shortly after as new tools sought to democratize development further. In 2015, Excel users could build web apps through Microsoft PowerApps with zero code. Startups like Bubble and Airtable offered visual no-code platforms. While low-code reduced coding, no-code eliminated it altogether for many use cases. These innovations built on previous visual programming strides to realize the vision of development without code.

The evolution from complex coding to simplified no-code/low-code solutions marks the latest leap forward in democratizing software development. These platforms utilize visual interfaces, templates, and process workflows to abstract away the coding itself. With drag-and-drop modules and pre-built functions, formerly complex applications can now be assembled rapidly.

Embracing this shift, “citizen developers", from non-technical backgrounds, now have a precious chance to prove their worth by actively participating in building software. Besides, the potential for an AI-powered low-code/no-code dApp builder on Oraichain is bright, which means developers and non-technical users can effortlessly create decentralized apps with artificial intelligence features with this advancement. Imagine an interface where creators can maximize their productivity by merely giving prompts to AI chatbots and let them do the rest of the work. By removing development barriers, no-code promises to transform the way we solve problems through technology, opening new creative horizons.


The journey from traditional coding to the dawn of no-code and low-code development has been nothing short of remarkable. It's a testament to the relentless pursuit of simplifying complex processes, empowering a new wave of creators, and driving innovation across various industries. While we've explored the challenges and opportunities that brought us to this point, it's equally important to chart the path forward.

As we look ahead, we see the landscape of software development continuing to transform. The synergy between traditional coding and no-code/low-code platforms is a space ripe for exploration. Finding the right balance between customization and accessibility will be key. Moreover, embracing open-source principles, fostering collaboration, and creating platforms that seamlessly integrate with emerging technologies like blockchain, as demonstrated by Oraichain's partnership with Andromeda Protocol, will define the next phase of this journey. Andromeda Protocol's innovative approach, featuring a library of pre-built components and multi-chain compatibility, exemplifies the future of low-code dApp development within the Oraichain ecosystem.

About Oraichain

Oraichain provides multidimensional trustworthy proofs of AI and enables secure integration with Web3. With AI as the cornerstone, Oraichain has developed many essential and innovative products and services including AI Oracle, DINO Hub with DINO Center, AI Marketplace & Data Marketplace, fully on-chain VRF, AI-based NFT generation & copyright protection, Royalty Protocol, AI-powered Yield Aggregator Platform, Cosmwasm IDE, and many more. Oraichain is the world’s first Layer 1 of AI oracle and Trustworthy Proofs™️.

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Table of Contents
  1. The Hieroglyphics of Early Code
  2. The Rise of High-Level Languages
  3. Web Development and Scripting Languages
  4. The Evolution to No-Code and Low-Code
  5. Conclusion